petrofit.correction Module


generate_petrosian_sersic_correction(...[, ...])

This function generates corrections for Petrosian radii by simulating a galaxy image and measuring its properties.

petrofit.modeling.fitting Module


fit_model(image, model[, weights, maxiter, ...])

Wrapper function to conveniently fit an image to an input model.

model_to_image(model, size[, mode, factor, ...])

Converts 2D models into images using astropy.convolution.utils.discretize_model.

fit_background(image[, model, sigma])

Fit sigma clipped background image using a user provided model.


Fit a 2D gaussian to a source in an image.


Print the params and values of an AstroPy model

plot_fit(model, image[, mode, center, vmin, ...])

Plot fitted model, its 1D fit profile and residuals.

petrofit.modeling.models Module



Returns the default bounds of the Sersic profile.

make_grid(size[, origin, factor])

Function to make image sampling grid.

sersic_enclosed(r, amplitude, r_eff, n[, ellip])

sersic_enclosed_inv(f, amplitude, r_eff, n)

petrosian_profile(r, r_eff, n)



PSFConvolvedModel2D(model[, psf, ...])

Fittable model for converting FittableModel and CompoundModel into 2D images.


This class contains approximations of various Pertorisian and Sersic parameters.


Two dimensional Sersic surface brightness profile with Generalized Ellipses described in Peng et al. 2010.

petrofit.petrosian Module


plot_petrosian(r_list, area_list, flux_list)

Given photometric values, plots petrosian profile.

calculate_petrosian(area_list, flux_list)

Given a list of aperture areas and associated fluxes, computes the petrosian curve.

calculate_petrosian_r(r_list, area_list, ...)

Calculate petrosian radius from photometric values using interpolation.

discrete_petrosian_r(r_list, area_list, ...)

Calculate petrosian radius from photometric values by using the nearest value petrosian to eta.

calculate_r_total_flux(r_list, area_list, ...)

Given photometric values, calculate Petrosian r_total_flux.

fraction_flux_to_r(r_list, flux_list, ...[, ...])

Given photometric values and r_total_flux, calculate radius which encloses a specified fraction of the total flux.

calculate_r_half_light(r_list, flux_list, ...)

Given photometric values, calculate Petrosian r_half_light.

calculate_concentration_index(r_list, ...[, ...])

Calculates Petrosian concentration index.

estimate_n(c2080pet[, verbose])


Petrosian(r_list, area_list, flux_list[, ...])

Class that computes and plots Petrosian properties.


This class computes corrections for Petrosian given default Petrosian measurements.

petrofit.photometry Module


plot_apertures([image, apertures, vmin, ...])

Plot apertures on image

flux_to_abmag(flux, header)

Convert HST flux to AB Mag

order_cat(cat[, key, reverse])

Sort a catalog by largest area and return the argsort

radial_elliptical_aperture(position, r[, ...])

Helper function given a radius, elongation and theta, will make an elliptical aperture.

radial_elliptical_annulus(position, r, dr[, ...])

Helper function given a radius, elongation and theta, will make an elliptical aperture.

calculate_photometic_density(r_list, flux_list)

Compute value between radii

make_radius_list(max_pix, n[, log])

Make an array of radii of size n up to max_pix

photometry_step(position, r_list, image[, ...])

Core photometry function.

source_photometry(source, image, ...[, ...])

Aperture photometry on a PhotUtils SourceProperties.

petrofit.segmentation Module


plot_segments(segm[, image, vmin, vmax, ...])

Plot segmented areas over an image (2D array, if provided)

plot_segment_residual(segm, image[, vmin, vmax])

Plot segment subtracted image (residual)


Return max x, y value of a SourceCatalog or catalog row


Return SourceCatalog elongation


Return SourceCatalog ellipticity


Return SourceCatalog orientation in rad

get_amplitude_at_r(r, image, x0, y0, ellip, ...)

Finds the amplitude at an isophotal radius r.

make_kernel(fwhm, kernel_size)

segm_mask(source, segm[, mask_background])

Given a segmentation and a target with an label, returns a mask with all other sources masked in the original image.

masked_segm_image(source, image, segm[, ...])

Returns a masked image of the original image by masking out other sources

make_segments(image[, npixels, threshold, ...])

Segment an image.

deblend_segments(image, segm[, npixels, ...])

Deblend overlapping sources labeled in a segmentation image.

petrofit.utils Module


match_catalogs(ra_1, dec_1, ra_2, dec_2[, unit])

Wrapper for SkyCoord.match_to_catalog_sky

angular_to_pixel(angular_diameter, wcs)

pixel_to_angular(pixel_size, wcs)

elliptical_area_to_r(area, elong)


get_interpolated_values(x, y[, num, kind])

closest_value_index(value, array[, growing])

Return first index closes to value

plot_target(position, image, size[, vmin, vmax])

cutout_subtract(image, target, x, y)

Subtract cutout from image

measure_fwhm(image[, plot, printout])

Find the 2D FWHM of a background/continuum subtracted cutout image of a target.