Multi-object Photometry

In this section we demonstrate how to perform photometry on multiple objects in an image. We choose a faint group of galaxies and run the photometry steps as described in the Photometry section.

Loading Example Data

The following data is a cutout of a group of faint galaxies in Abell 2744. The original data was acquired by the Hubble Frontier Fields team via the WFC3 instrument in the F105W filter and can be directly downloaded from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.

We first use astropy’s CCDData to load the example data and visualize it through matplotlib.

from astropy.nddata import CCDData

image ='data/abell_2744_group_of_galaxies_f105w.fits.gz')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]
plt.rcParams['image.origin'] = 'lower'

vmax =  0.01 # Use the image std as max and min of all plots
vmin = - vmax

plt.imshow(, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title("Galaxy Group in Abell 2744 Frontier Field")

Make Source Catalog

We will use the sigma clipped std as a threshold at the segmentation and deblending steps.

from petrofit.segmentation import make_catalog, plot_segments
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats

# Compute stats for threshold
image_mean, image_median, image_stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(, sigma=3)

# Define threshold
threshold = image_stddev

# Define smoothing kernel
kernel_size = 3
fwhm = 3

# Min Source size (area)
npixels = 5**2

cat, segm, segm_deblend = make_catalog(,
    plot=True, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin

# Display source properties
print("Num of Targets:", len(cat))
Num of Targets: 9

Photometry Loop

We define the list of aperture radii and proceed to the photometry step. In this case, instead of selecting a source, we loop through the source catalog and perform photometry on each object. After constructing the photometry we create a Petrosian object for the source. We save the Petrosian in a python dictionary (petrosian_properties) for later use.

from petrofit.photometry import source_photometry
from petrofit.petrosian import Petrosian, PetrosianCorrection
from petrofit.photometry import make_radius_list


r_list = make_radius_list(
    max_pix=max_pix, # Max pixel to go up to
    n=max_pix # the number of radii to produce

petrosian_properties = {}

for idx, source in enumerate(cat):

    # Photomerty
    flux_arr, area_arr, error_arr = source_photometry(

        # Inputs
        source, # Source (`photutils.segmentation.catalog.SourceCatalog`), # Image as 2D array
        segm_deblend, # Deblended segmentation map of image
        r_list, # list of aperture radii

        # Options
        cutout_size=max(r_list)*2, # Cutout out size, set to double the max radius
        bkg_sub=True, # Subtract background
        sigma=3, sigma_type='clip', # Fit a 2D plane to pixels within 3 sigma of the mean
        plot=False, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, # Show plot with max and min defined above

    p = Petrosian(r_list, area_arr, flux_arr)

    petrosian_properties[source] = p

print("Completed for {} Sources".format(len(petrosian_properties)))
Completed for 9 Sources

Compute Total Mags

We compute the total magnitudes of the sources by looping through their Petrosian objects. We use the flux_to_abmag function to convert the total flux to AB mags of each object.

import numpy as np
from petrofit.photometry import flux_to_abmag

mag_list = []

for source in petrosian_properties:

    # Get Petrosian
    p = petrosian_properties[source]

    # Compute HST Flux -> mags for total_flux
    mag = flux_to_abmag(p.total_flux, image.header)

    # Add to mag list

# Convert mag_list to array
mag_list = np.array(mag_list)

array([23.79810689, 28.4700017 , 24.01175351, 27.50940353, 28.82192095,
       26.40888905, 25.85432537, 26.39602283, 23.56884654])

Photometry Catalog

We construct and save a photometry catalog with the magnitudes we computed. To construct the table, we first use the SourceCatalog.to_table() function that returns an astropy table. This will include important info about each source. We then add a new column (MAG_F105W) with the total mags we computed.

# Segmentation catalog to astropy table.
photo_cat = cat.to_table()

# Add new column with mags.
photo_cat.add_column(mag_list, index=4, name='MAG_F105W')

# Save to file.
photo_cat.write('temp/example_photo_cat.csv', overwrite=True)

QTable length=9

Simultaneous Fitting

In this section, we explore how to make compound models that can be used to describe multiple objects in an image. We use the same dataset as the Multi-object Photometry section to fit the nine faint sources with Sersic profiles.

Make Individual Models

To do this we loop through the sources and construct astropy Sersic2D models for source as described in the AstroPy Sersic Model sction. We also make initial guesses of the paramters as described in the Estimating Sersic Parameters section. At the end of each iteration, we add the newly constructed model in a list model_list.

from petrofit.segmentation import (get_source_ellip, get_source_elong, get_source_position,
                                   get_source_theta, get_amplitude_at_r)
from photutils.isophote import EllipseGeometry, Ellipse
from astropy.modeling import models

# AstroPy Model List
model_list = []

# For each source
for source in list(petrosian_properties.keys()):

    # Get Petrosian
    p = petrosian_properties[source]

    # Estimate center
    position = get_source_position(source)
    x_0, y_0 = position

    # Estimate shape
    elong = get_source_elong(source)
    ellip = get_source_ellip(source)
    theta = get_source_theta(source)

    # Estimate Sersic index
    n = 1

    # Estimate r_half_light
    r_eff = p.r_half_light

    # Estimate amplitude
    amplitude = get_amplitude_at_r(r_eff, image, x_0, y_0, ellip, theta)

    # Allow for 4 pixel center slack
    center_slack = 4

    # Make astropy model
    sersic_model = models.Sersic2D(


            bounds = {
                'amplitude': (0., None),
                'r_eff': (0, None),
                'n': (0, 10),
                'ellip': (0, 1),
                'theta': (-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi),
                'x_0': (x_0 - center_slack/2, x_0 + center_slack/2),
                'y_0': (y_0 - center_slack/2, y_0 + center_slack/2),

    # Add to model list

    # Over-plot Petrosian radii
    p.imshow(position=position, elong=elong, theta=theta, lw=1.25)

# Plot image of sources
plt.imshow(, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)

Make Compound Model

To make a single compound model that represents all the sources of interest, we add up all the models. astropy models can be added like numbers or arrays, so we convert the model list to a numpy array and sum it.

compound_model = np.array(model_list).sum()

<CompoundModel(amplitude_0=0.02344686, r_eff_0=6.96639328, n_0=1., x_0_0=70., y_0_0=30., ellip_0=0.19802498, theta_0=0.91394953, amplitude_1=0.00319977, r_eff_1=2.5835167, n_1=1., x_0_1=12., y_0_1=48., ellip_1=0.10290964, theta_1=0.225057, amplitude_2=0.0306074, r_eff_2=4.984997, n_2=1., x_0_2=88., y_0_2=75., ellip_2=0.05862521, theta_2=-0.57935365, amplitude_3=0.00633796, r_eff_3=3.15763153, n_3=1., x_0_3=9., y_0_3=94., ellip_3=0.31657816, theta_3=-1.19756102, amplitude_4=0.00480722, r_eff_4=1.99539908, n_4=1., x_0_4=28., y_0_4=95., ellip_4=0.20595571, theta_4=0.0161177, amplitude_5=0.01046945, r_eff_5=3.39567914, n_5=1., x_0_5=24., y_0_5=31., ellip_5=0.19981588, theta_5=-1.1250878, amplitude_6=0.00728418, r_eff_6=4.8869774, n_6=1., x_0_6=14., y_0_6=34., ellip_6=0.24802415, theta_6=-0.98264384, amplitude_7=0.00943653, r_eff_7=3.55671134, n_7=1., x_0_7=59., y_0_7=61., ellip_7=0.21719029, theta_7=-1.09438769, amplitude_8=0.04021716, r_eff_8=6.16123225, n_8=1., x_0_8=44., y_0_8=69., ellip_8=0.21455542, theta_8=-0.79663685)>

Make PSFModel

Now that we have a single model that represents all the sources, we can create a PSFModel with the appropriate parameters. We load a PSF as described in the PSF section of the fitting documentation. We then wrap the compound model and PSF using PSFModel. We specify an oversampling factor 4 to account for poor CCD sampling.

Load and Normalize PSF

from import fits

PSF = fits.getdata('data/f105w_psf.fits.gz')
PSF = PSF / PSF.sum()

plt.imshow(PSF, vmin=0, vmax=PSF.std()/10)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9fe9d568b0>


from petrofit.models import PSFModel

psf_sersic_model = PSFModel.wrap(compound_model, psf=PSF, oversample=4)

psf_sersic_model.fixed['psf_pa'] = True

Fit Model to Data

We fit the compound model using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and save the returned optimized copy of the fitted model in fitted_model. Since this the compound model is composed of many parameters, we may see astropy warnings when the fitter explores parameters that cause issues, such as division by zero.


from petrofit.fitting import fit_model

fitted_model, _ = fit_model(, psf_sersic_model,
CPU times: user 3min 4s, sys: 26.2 s, total: 3min 30s
Wall time: 3min 30s

Generate Model Image

To generate a model image we use the model_to_image utility function. This function allows us to define the center of the model image and the side length of the image.

from petrofit.fitting import model_to_image

# Make Model Image
# ----------------

# Set the size of the model image equal to the original image
full_fitted_image_size =[0]

# Center the model image at the center of the original image
# so the two images cover the same window
full_fitted_image_center = full_fitted_image_size // 2

# Generate a model image from the model
fitted_model_image = model_to_image(

# Plot Model Image
# ----------------

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

# Plot raw data
im = ax[0, 0].imshow(, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax[0, 0].set_title("Hubble F105W Image")
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel("Pixels")
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Pixels")
#ax[0, 0].axis('off')

# Plot Petrosian radii[0, 1])
for i, source in enumerate(petrosian_properties):
    p = petrosian_properties[source]

    position = get_source_position(source)
    x_0, y_0 = position

    elong = get_source_elong(source)
    ellip = get_source_ellip(source)
    theta = get_source_theta(source)

    p.imshow(position=position, elong=elong, theta=theta, lw=1.25)
    if i == 0:
ax[0, 1].imshow(, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax[0, 1].set_title("Petrosian Radii")
ax[0, 1].set_xlabel("Pixels")
ax[0, 1].set_ylabel("Pixels")
# ax[0, 1].axis('off')

# Plot Model Image
ax[1, 0].imshow(fitted_model_image, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax[1, 0].set_title("Simultaneously Fitted Sersic Models")
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("Pixels")
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Pixels")
# ax[1, 0].axis('off')

# Plot Residual
ax[1, 1].imshow( - fitted_model_image, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax[1, 1].set_title("Residual")
ax[1, 1].set_xlabel("Pixels")
ax[1, 1].set_ylabel("Pixels")
# ax[1, 1].axis('off')

Analysis of Background

We can now create a background image using the residual and perform some statistical analysis on it.

# Define background image
background_image = - fitted_model_image

# Compute stats
# -------------

noise_mean = background_image.mean()
noise_sigma = background_image.std()
noise_3_sigma = noise_sigma * 3.
noise_8_sigma = noise_sigma * 8.

print("noise_mean = {}".format(noise_mean))
print("noise_sigma = {}".format(noise_sigma))
print("noise_3_sigma = {}".format(noise_3_sigma))

# Plots
# -----

plt.imshow( - fitted_model_image, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title('Residual Image')

n, bins, patches = plt.hist(background_image.flatten(), bins=35, align='left',
                            color='black', label="Binned Residual Image Pixel Values")
plt.plot(bins[:-1], n, c='r', linewidth=3)
plt.axvline(, label="Raw Input Image Mean", c='g',linestyle="--")
plt.axvline(noise_mean, label="Residual Image Mean", linestyle="--")

plt.xlabel('Flux Bins [{}]'.format(str(image.unit)))
plt.title('Residual Image Pixel Value Histogram')
noise_mean = 7.388622602612074e-05
noise_sigma = 0.0013913416558529118
noise_3_sigma = 0.0041740249675587355

Now we see the residual image mean is near that is near the mean of the noise distribution, we can make a segmentation map using the residual image 3-sigma as the detection threshold. Notice how some of the sources we were able to fit were below the 3-sigma estimate of the background (residual image).

new_threshold = noise_3_sigma

new_cat, new_segm, new_segm_deblend = make_catalog(,
    plot=True, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin

# Display source properties
print("Num of Targets:", len(new_cat))
Num of Targets: 7